Way back in 2021, when the COVID pandemic hit, I was feeling antsy about being inside all the time. The Governor finally said we could gather outside. I was tired of book clubs, Bunco, movie night. I wanted to be active and outdoors.

Me & my daughter, Juliet, goofing off before a game.
I can't play softball, volleyball, or ice hockey, but I can play kickball. Well, not very well, but it's better than nothing! I called all my lady neighbors, made homemade signs, and recruited my kids, JC, Kate, and Juliet, to help me hand deliver these signs. The idea grew from about 100 ladies in one town to several towns and even a co-ed league.
I was never an athlete. You don't really need any type of ability or skills to play kickball. It's easy to understand and anyone can pick it up! I didn't want women to feel intimidated and I wanted the Moms to have something they could call their own. The women's league is primarily 40 and older-our kids can drive and we need something to do to keep ourselves from shopping! The name "Not In The Face" just came to me one day. As a woman older than 40, I don't want anything to touch my face! We don't allow pegging in the women's only league. All teams are named after 80's movies. We play 80's songs, and we act like kids again.
Of course the men got jealous, so the co-ed In Your Face League was born in 2022, themed after 90's movies. So get off your butt and play!